Ways to buy a UK Avalon funeral plan

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Avalon funeral plan agent

Book a free video consultation

Our free video-call consultations offer a safe and secure way to speak to our funeral plan specialists “face to face” at a time that suits you and from the comfort of your own home.

A video consultation is a great way to speak with an experienced Avalon funeral plan specialist and have a relaxed conversation about forward planning. There is no obligation, so you won’t be rushed into anything and you don’t need to make a commitment on the day.

Another great advantage of a video-call consultation is the opportunity to invite family or a close friend to join you, so you can have an open conversation and share your thoughts and wishes with them.

Setting up the video-call from your tablet, laptop or computer is very easy and our team can help you with any technical problems.

To book your video-call consultation:

or call us on:

Prefer to speak over the phone?

If you would prefer to find out more about our plans over the telephone, Avalon’s team of funeral plan specialists are here to help.

Similar to a video-call, our friendly Avalon expert can discuss your personal requirements, then talk you through how our plans work, plan prices, and answer any questions you may have.

To book your telephone consultation:

Or call us today on:

Prefer to buy online?

If you would rather not speak to anyone, you can instead buy directly through our website checkout.

Simply, answer a few simple questions and we can show you the funeral plans which might meet your needs. Then you can select your payment options and calculate the costs, before completing all of your details and making payment.

Helpful Avalon Funeral Plan specialist

Looking for an Expat funeral plan? Find out more about our plans in Spain, Portugal and Cyprus.

Expat Funeral Plans

Why choose Avalon

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More reasons to choose Avalon

2019-2023 - Best Funeral Plan Provider - 5 years in a row.


National Association of Funeral Directories

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