Calculate how much YOU could save by buying a funeral plan today?
*This calculator does not constitute as financial advice. It is based on the information that you input and should only be used as an illustration of how prices could rise in the future. Inflation rates and time between buying and using a plan can vary, inflation could go down. The information you input is only used for the purposes of this illustration calculator.
How old are you? Enter your current age. We have preselected 69 as the average age of an Avalon customer at the time of purchase.
How much would a funeral cost today? We have preselected £3895 based on the cost of an Avalon UK Standard Funeral Plan which our research suggests is similar to the cost of an equivalent funeral today. You can change this figure to reflect your own research or the Funeral Plan that you are considering.
When might you need your plan? We have pre-selected the number of years until you are 85 or ten years whichever is the higher. Using the slider you can change the number of years to set your own time-frame.
Use the slider to select the inflation rate, we have preselected the average 15 year CPI inflation, but currently inflation is significantly higher than this figure.
You could have saved:
Based on a funeral costing £3,895 today, rising at 3% inflation per year, by the time you are 85 years old.
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