1 in 6 British expats over 65 in Spain, are covered by an Avalon Funeral Plan.

1 in 6 British expats over 65 in Spain, are covered by an Avalon Funeral Plan.

Published On: 10th March 2024

What happens when an expat dies in Spain?

The unfortunate reality for many family members of an expat who dies in Spain, whether expected or unexpected… is the process tends to move quickly.   

Paperwork, Language Barriers, Logistics, Flights, and the speed with how quickly the process moves…It’s a lot for even the most seasoned ex pat to cope with.     

Now, imagine your partner or your family, trying to get their head around it all, maybe from abroad, and having to arrange it within hours of you passing. 

More than 100,000 people have chosen a funeral plan from Avalon.Could an Avalon Funeral Plan help?

At an already difficult time, many may struggle to confidently cope with the complex funeral system in Spain.    

That’s why more than 100,000 people have chosen a funeral plan from Avalon.  Because when the inevitable happens, it helps to have a team standing by to remove some of the burden from your family.   

Avalon’s bilingual bereavement team help families cope with language barriers and unfamiliar procedures at an already difficult time.    

Plus, Avalon has been voted Best Funeral Plan Provider at the UK Personal Finance Awards every year since 2019.     

To find out if you’re eligible for an Avalon funeral plan designed just for expats, click here to LEARN MORE.

It only takes a few seconds to get started.     

Protect the ones you love today.    


* ‘1 in 6 British Expats’ claim based on: 106,512 British nationals over the age of 65 registered in Spain (exc. Canaries)  from INE 2021 census data and 88% of our 19,398 live plans being British citizens from a sample. 

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